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The Greatest Antidote to Fear Is Competence
Ownership is empowering
Friday, 4/21/23 355 words2 minutesContinue reading -
Do You Even Hydrate, Bro?
Hydration is the process by which pre-rendered content is made interact-able
Thursday, 4/20/23 (Edited)291 words2 minutesContinue reading -
The Patrick 32-hour blockchain video course
@patrickalphac blockchain course for freeCodeCamp
Monday, 10/3/22 592 words3 minutesContinue reading -
useState and useEffect React Hooks
Hooks are functions inside functional components
Saturday, 9/24/22 (Edited)723 words4 minutesContinue reading -
Quiet Night Thought
靜夜思 a 1,300 year-old poem
Sunday, 9/11/22 (Edited)500 words3 minutesContinue reading